Saturday, October 16, 2010


It seems no one trusts anyone these days.  I don't even trust in God.  Is that Anti-American or is it anti-American to think badly of me because I can't trust in God?  There are those who would ostracize me for saying that trust in God allows people to become to passive and complacent and forget that they are the same ones who believe the saying, "God helps those who help themselves". 

For almost every homely saying, there is another claiming the opposite in most cases. Today we are dealing with the comedian who asked, "Do you trust me or your lying eyes?"   Today I happened to run across an article claiming that Republicans don't trust Americans.  Judging from the last Presidential election, one might assume that lots of Americans didn't trust Republicans, either.  The article by Leo Gerard  might be found to have some interest by some of you.  Click here.

One of the things Mr. Gerard writes is:  " Under Republican presidents, the wealthiest benefited the most, increasing income inequality."  "After the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court struck down decades of precedent in January in its Citizens United ruling, defining corporations as “persons” and permitting them to pour unlimited cash into political advertising, Democrats offered legislation to temper that newly-granted corporate power. Called the DISCLOSE Act – for Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections — it would have required revelation of corporate donations."

"Republicans wanted concealment of their corporate sources, however, and scuttled the DISCLOSE Act. This freed private political fund-raising groups to take as much money as they can from corporations while providing a cloak of anonymity"

 What does it take for people who really care for this country to see where their future safety lies?  Since the Republicans got us here in the eight years preceding the election of Obama, how can anyone explain there is sanity to anyone wanting to put the Republicans back in power for change.  Those who want to keep the Republicans in power are those who want to continue having only two classes in America, the rich and the poor.  Is there something wrong with me that once burned I shy from fire?  We know that there are many people in our country for whom change is not a possible move.  The resistance to change is massive.  This has to be why history has a tendency to repeat itself and why South Carolina want to fly a Confederate flag.

My trust is that the bright people of the world will lead us into new pastures; the evil and greedy ones will try to prevent it.  It looks like the Supreme Court is backing the latter. With luck, we may see a Legislature full of men and women who want what is best for the country before that for themselves.  That will certainly be a novelty when , or if, it happens.


Frank J. Lhota said...

In the last presidential campaign, Barack Obama turned down federal matching funds. Accepting those funds would require accepting limits on the funds he could raise. FEC records show that his campaign accepted donations from China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Now if the Citizens United folks deserve censure for their one documentary film, why doesn't Obama deserve at least as much criticism for the way he managed his whole 2008 campaign?

I raise this question in part because of recent remarks of Pat Caddell, a long-time Democratic operation who once ran Joe Biden's presidential run. Caddell is appalled at the hypocrisy of recent White House attacks on their opponents. See‘hypocrites-in-the-white-house-unloads-on-obam

Frank J. Lhota said...‘hypocrites-in-the-white-house-unloads-on-obama