Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Regardless of how much we can talk about how bad it is for so many here in the United States, many of our politicians live in their denial.  They would take away unemployment compensation to the already hungry struggling to keep a roof over their heads and their health to a pain tolerance level.  Recently an article with some statistics about hunger in the US was provided by Jeannine Sanford Deputy Director of Bread for the City in Washington, D.C.  "Almost 15% of US households experienced a food shortage at some point in 2009, a government report has found."

In the 30s, one didn't see pictures of hungry wives and children.  Men were responsible for their families and they went out to try to find food for them since few women worked for pay if married.  Today, there are many single parent families, more often mother and children.  Some senators, Neanderthals slightly more evolved,  think the woman's place is in the home.  They don't believe she should have an abortion even if raped and yet she should not be offered welfare, either.  How do so many get talked into voting for these throwbacks to the 19th C culture.

It must be that our elected officials never heard the phrase 'charity begins at home'. However, our politicians are not charitable to Americans if they are not the super rich.

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