Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It seems someone always has to find someone to blame; as though that solves all problems.  The double standard is alive and well in American politics.  The men let the women do the dirty work, the hard work, the PR, all sorts of things, then when it seems that the ducks are in a row, the men swoop in and take over.  Note smart women did not fare as well as they had in the last election.

Women don't want gender quotas aimed at promoting equality.  They simply want equal pay for equal work.

Palin, several pundits believe, could easily win a nomination but they are convinced she could not win an election.  The people who are determining that are now talking about the errors of fact she makes in her speeches.  I find it amusing that  it is only now that it is being openly spoken about by Republicans since she has been doing since the VP campaign with McCain.  It shouldn't matter to Palin at this point...she has made enough money on her 'con' of the public to last her qujite a long time if she invests and spends wisely.

To see proof that Americans are gullible and many have too much money to spend, click here.

Fame is sometimes short-lived but politicians and their consultants may be surprised that this is a lady who will not quickly nor quietly go away.  The taste of fame and money is addictive to many people.  After all, Not even Rove has been able to shut hjer out, so far.

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