Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It should be no surprise that abortion rights are being challenged in our country.  There are still
Southerners fighting the Civil War.  There is too much support for those unwilling to accept the votes of the majority or the reality of laws enacted which they don't wish to accept.  Lauren Kelley wrote an excellent updating article on AlterNet. To read this article, click here.

The ongoing tactic being used is erosion.  States are gradually making it more and more difficult for women to obtain an abortion.  For example, in Nebraska,one tactic was to move the  final limit in time for an abortion to 20 weeks, instead of the current 22-24 weeks limit, based when a birth would be viable.

In an article on the The History of the Abortion Law, a summary is stated as follows:: 
The single decision of seven, non-elected justices has defined federal abortion policy in the United States. It was a decision explicitly defended on the basis of ignorance, under the claim that "no one knows when life begins". Like slavery before it, abortion is now central to the lives of many Americans, but no matter what the social cost may be, when laws victimize the weak and vulnerable, it is time for the law to change. 
This country is being led by the ignorant  in too many areas, in my opinion As long as we have a voting majority pf people believing that Obama is not a citizen, that evolution is still only a 'theory', that homosexuals choose to be gay, that violence is the key to power, we will never be a strong and admired country again.  We have elected too many zealots for personal causes rather than to be representatives of their constituencies. Unfortunately some do not see their constituencies as the people who voted for them, but rather those who gave them campaign funding.

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