Friday, December 10, 2010


The lame duck Congress does not have a long existence ahead and there is a lot they must try to get done.  They may not get anything done before the end of the year but, at least, history will show they didn't because they tried and were thwarted by the Republicans.  While Obama sincerely wants to help the unemployed, and will go on record in that position, even if the Republicans pass a Bill for it after the first of the year, nothing should allow people to forget their position for two years...destroy Obama even if it means millions will suffer as 'collateral damage'.

House Democrats rejected Obama's  snooker by the Republicans and decided, though the non-binding referendum, that they have a mandate for the good of the people, especially the middle class.  If you missed the details, click here for the BBC take on it.

The DADT (don't as, don't tell) Bill also did not pass.  Massachusetts citizens didn't realize they put a fox in the hen house when they voted Scott Brown Senator.  They believed him to be a free thinker but it is not difficult to see that you get no where in the party today if you don't genuflect to McConnell and Boehner. The vote was a majority but in the present twilight zone of Washington, it fell 3 votes short of the 60 votes needed to avoid a filibuster.  Obama expressed hope that it will be brought up again during the lame duck session.  For more detail, click here.

We are unfortunate enough to have voted legislators into Congress who are invested in maintaining their re-elections ad nauseum rather than think of the good of the majority and those in the armed forces themselves.  As long as we have Fox News and radio hosts like Limbaugh, enough people will believe the lies  and drag the country down with no guilty conscience.  Wake up, Americans!  Just as Paul Revere warned of the militia, we should listen for a similar faint sound today.

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