Sunday, December 12, 2010


The financial crisis extends over the entire world.  England is in as much, if not a worse mess, that the US. Protests against the tripling of tuition fees are turning violent.  People of the world failed to heed, in the past 10-12 years , "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." 

The problem can be laid at the feet of those who want their government out of their lives and wanted less regulation by the government.  If there had been competent regulators doing their job, the Ponzi scheme would not have made it to the remarkable proportions that it reached.  Bernie Madoff's son committed suicide yesterday.  That makes clear that the sins of the father are often wished on the son.  As a country, we have brought forth suggestions to privatize social security, for example, using the analogy of government as parents and American citizens as sons.

In my own simplistic logic that would not serve the people but would make the rich richer.  Since not all Americans study how to best invest their money, they will either not invest it if it is not taken from them, ot they will make brokerst. invest it for them, thus costing far more than having the government do what it is been doing for many years now.  Those who have the discipline to save for themselves can certainly freely continue to do so.  Nevertheless, it is either stupidity on the part of our legislators or greed that makes them continue to use this kind of describe what is really a scam they know will not work.

Technological advancements have made our society so much better in so many ways, but it is also destroying us by its usage.  More time and emphasis is given to Fox News and other liars of the world than to honest and accurate information.  Some people, those who believe that the World Towers were a plot executed by our government, that Obama is not a citizen of the US, and other conspiracy theories, have been brainwashed easily since most of them a prejudiced and bigoted to begin with.

Last October, Bernie Sanders spoke on Face the Nation.  Watch a reply.

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