Friday, December 3, 2010


Today the House agreed to a middle class tax cut continuance.  The Senate, under Mitch M has already announced it will fight any proposals unless the Republicans get the tax cuts extended for the ultra rich.  John Boehner has described on TV that he thinkis the proposal to keep tax cuts for the middle class as a maneuver of chicken crap.  If the rich are only 1 or 2 % of our population, how can this man ever get re-elected?  

Apparently the Republicans plan to filibuster the tax cuts for anyone if they don't get  tax cuts for the rich extended.They are holding the poor people's fate hostage to get more money for greedy people already millionaires and billionaires.

"The president continues to believe that extending middle-class tax cuts is the most important thing we can do for our economy right now and he applauds the House for passing a permanent extension," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. To read the article by BBC, click here.

I believe the bluff of the mutineers ought to be called even if it stops the American world for a while.  We cannot continue being hostage to ignorance and greed.  Read the PBS comments and transcript by clicking here.

PBS refers to the Senate actions promised as a 'blockade'.
clicking here

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