Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Obama is pushing to accept the 'compromise' deal with the Republicans though he admits the country is being held hostage.  Clearly, Obama is not happy with the compromise but says, in seemingly good conscience, he cannot let the unemployment benefits end.  There are a couple of other nice additions in the Bill but they do not compensate for the tax relief for the rich.  Read more.

Lawrence O'Donnell was one of the few political analysts who backed Obama logically and firmly.  Keith Olbermann was angry and, in my opinion, allowed his anger to overshadow some very good points he was trying to make. Click her and then on special comment to see and hear this.   My sense is that, having heard some politicians like Independent Bernie Sanders of Vermont says it is a moral outrage and he will filibuster if he has to, rather than see this Bill pass as is.  While I identify more with Democrats than Republicans, it felt good to listen to Democrats stop their whining long enough to reflect righteous indignation at the way the Republicans seem not to care at all about the country.  Perhaps the President will get some open support and the country may hear the truth being spoken instead of the lies from Limbaugh, Fox News. and others.

It is time for Americans to raise their voices and demand their legislators do the right thing, properly and legally rather than leave it to the militias who are all too ready to settle it their way.

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