Tuesday, December 14, 2010


On the Dillon Rattigan Show his afternoon, a panel of people commented on the terrible part of the Health Care Bill which forces people to buy insurance against their will or face a penalty.  Those supporters of no right on the part of the government are missing a major point.  The fight is the same one that faces us about seat belt laws.  Without a seat belt you can be more seriously hurt, requiring more medical care.  Without insurance, HCRA (The Health Care Responsibility Act, enacted in 1977) , comes into effect. forcing hospitals to be reimbursed by counties or local governments, ie. the taxpayers.

While the salaries of the people who have most air coverage are probably higher than average, it is not because of their knowledge or talent.  They should realize that there is no free lunch.  If the government does not pay for the indigent (if one does not qualify as one, credit bureaus will be after them), so in the end, it still all falls to the taxpayers because if they can't afford insurance, they can't afford care usually.

Normally, the people who were on the Rattigan show, are people I have respected.  However, there is, on panels, I believe a tendency to one-upsmanship which confuses some of the other panelists, ending up with unanimous agreement rather than risk egg on their face.  This is why I dislike this type of show..I prefer the media presenters to have done their homework rather than coming on and 'winging it'.

Even if the government didn't underwrite the care, the hospital would have to boost charges to pay so they can continue to operate.  So who pays ?  Once again, the taxpayers, since few have 100% coverage for all care.
I repeat, folks, there IS NO free lunch.unless you are getting a tax cut for being in the richest 1% of our society at the moment.  I guess that might qualify.  By the way, does anyone know how Mitch McConnell got himself anointed with so much power?

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