Friday, December 17, 2010


The Senate would rather see our 'first responders' die than have the top 1% of wealthy have to pay the same proportion of their income as the lower classes who barely have enough income to support themselves and the families.  The fat cats of the Senate who have the power to give themselves raises whenever they wish; who have the best possible health care; who will live off the taxpayers forever even after they leave the Senate, believe that those without jobs (because the Senate has participated in the plan to send all jobs overseas since they can buy stocks and maintain their incomes without having to have an American paycheck as such.

Jon Stewart did a masterful job of satire when he showed Mitch McConnell in tears because his friend Judd Gregg retired from the Senate, showing this video clip to four men who are dying because of their work to help at Ground Zero while the Senate refuse to offer them health care for their subsequent illnesses from it.

One can only guess at the uncaring hearts in Mitch McConnell and those who vote with him to deny basic humanity to our citizens.  It is the humanity shown by Gov Jan Brewer of Nevada who would pay $45,000,000 to the prison system while denying $5,000,000 for families with a member in need of a transplanted organ.  No, Virginia, there isn't a Republican  Santa Claus in the US Senate any longer, only selfish people trying to stay in the luxury provided to them by the taxpayers whom they treat like gnats.

How anti-American can they get?  Why is the public not enraged to the point of action...non violent, but action to spread the truth about what they are doing to our country in the areas of our land where the citizenry hears little truth?  As long as we have people being brainwashed by so much of the media like Fox News,   conservative talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and so many.that have been spitting bile for so long, they will not be n knowledgeable about the terrorists holding our government hostage. .

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