Monday, January 10, 2011


From Palin's maps with gun sites marking the targets, (see Maddow blog here) To the vitriol of Limbaugh, Beck, Bachmann and others, it seems no wonder that another misfit tries to solve his perceived problems.  Just as anti-abortionists take no responsibility for the death, by shooting outside a church, one has to wonder just how long Americans are willing to put up with the violent rhetoric we to which we have been subjected and which has been escalating since the majority of Americans voted Obama  to the Presidency.  There is no secrecy in our society as to the degree of hatred Republicans have felt, stirred to expression by some media,  for Obama to have been elected President two hears ago.

YouTube gives some lovely examples as to how easy it is to misinterpret the meanings behind statements of determination as, for example, in the second verse of the Star Spangled Banner.  Most of ujs have never heard it and I don't suppose it will pass Supreme Court Challenge as to whether it is 'politically correct' any longer.  Click here to hear it sung. The group hearing it does not seem to understand that it is the elected government which decided whether we are to fight our enemies...not individual or self-appointed posses.

Read Glenn Beck's call to violence just last October, click here.  Quoted from the article is:  Beck portrays Obama, Democrats as vampires, suggests "driv[ing] a stake through the heart of the bloodsuckers." On his March 30, 2009, Fox News show, Beck aired a graphic portraying Obama and Democrats as vampires and said: "The government is full of vampires, and they are trying to suck the lifeblood out of the economy." Beck then suggested "driveing] a stake through the heart of the bloodsuckers." Beck returned to that imagery on his January 19 radio show, warning listeners that progressives are "vampires" who now have a "taste of blood" and are "gonna start getting more and more violent."

With so many of the things politicians and talk shows say, some would like to pretend the past is a blank slate.  Despite the speeches of Palin, Bachmann, Beck, and so many others finding their way to YouTube for all to see and hear,  we have an article blaming the Left for the violence!  Click here to be impressed with the degree of rewritten history and denial in this blog by Erica.  Haven't the bullies learned by now that guns and violence are not the way to make our country better?.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

Blaming either the left or the right for Jared Lee Loughner's rather incoherent political views seems to be a bit of a stretch. In a sea of hysterical reporting on this issue, the following video stands out as the most reasonable comments on this issue: