Wednesday, January 19, 2011

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Annabella Bloom & Jane Austen

My suspicions should have been raised by the circular red balloon which reads The WILD &; WANTON edition,. published by Adams Media,  Shamelessly plagiarized by Bloom from the original by Jane Austen,  about ten pages of sexy encounter between Darcy and Elizabeth very near the end of the book have been added.  Lydia is portrayed as wanton and totally without scruples or morals in the early chapters, briefly.

The Jane Austen sequels which have been well written and original are take-offs on what might have been 'if' some other course was taken,k or they are set in another time period, or written in a way that clearly marks them as simply based on Jane Austen material but most is different and the story is made captivating.  Recently, some publishers decided to capture more of a market by renaming previously published books to include the Darcy name, reselling in the belief that the Darcy name in the title will pull in more readers.  Good authors have lost credibility by many of their readers who thought it a ploy of the author rather than the publisher and felt duped.

Excluding the original Austen P & P, I've now read 88 of these, skipping those others published in which Darcy is a Vampire or as equally unrelated to the Austen book.  For those of us who are true Austen fans, marketers/publishers need to understand they lose, not gain, readers with these tactics.  It is greedy, misleading,  damaging to good authors, and garners bad publicity for the publishers and sellers.  Readers, especially  those of us who buy the books, beware.  If you don't want to spend hours waiting for the book to be as it was advertised, you may end up almost  478 pages later feeling profoundly cheated  Steer clear of this one.


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