Thursday, January 6, 2011


The speech spurred motivation for 'the people's interests', was well-written, and promised something other than what we have heard to date from the man who will not use the word 'compromise'.  For the full text of his speech, click here.

The House was referred to as 'the people's house' over and over again.  I'm not sure for  what that is a euphemism, but it has never before been the way all the politician's in it have treated before. In an Associated Press article By Stephen Hurst, he quotes Obama as saying, he expects Republicans to play to their base.  He adds:  "But I'm pretty confident that they're going to recognize that our job is to govern and make sure that we are delivering jobs for the American people," he added. "My hope is that John Boehner and (Senate GOP leader) Mitch McConnell will realize that there will be plenty of time to campaign for 2012 in 2012."

Kantor and Boehner are well noted in Washington as rivals.  However, at the moment, Boehner is the Speaker.  We can all sit back and watch how many lies or truths are in the acceptance speech and to whom he must first pay homage for getting the votes to become speaker.  I, for one, will be happy to see him stop licking McConnell's shoes and become his own bad as that may be.  I cannot believe he can be any worse than as McConnell's 'yes' man.

Let's face it...anyone can buy an acceptance speech.  Just click here for details.

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