Saturday, January 22, 2011


Listening to legislators on the Right calling Obama a Socialist certainly points to their own ignorance, but it also gets to be believed by many when they hear it over and over again. The worst of them were elected and must be endured until the next election cycle.  Not so with those on media.  They have contracts.  I do not watch Fox News because of the hateful rhetoric and lies.  I looked forward to Keith Olbermann because, while he didn't mince words on his was clear when he gave opinions but I was not aware that anyone ever accused him of lying.  If Olbermann was 'freed of his contract' because of his Liberal stance, MSNBC is ignorant of the importance his thinking is to so many of us.  Their popularity will fade as someone as forceful as Coombs will no doubt replace him.

We will be left with Chris Matthews who never lets his interviewees finish a thought as they attempt to answer his questions.  Ed Schultz is good, as is Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell. However, it seems the bosses want to have a B-flat media outlet.  It will cater to a B-flat audience.  I can only hope that people out there will have recognized the talent MSNBC had and tossed aside.  It will be like finding a treasure at a yard sale.Shame on MSNBC executives.  They are as knowledgeable about their viewers as Republicans are about the wishes of the 'American people'.

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