Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The Republicans did everything they could to rid the House of Nancy Pelosi and failed to do so.  Speaker Pelosi will go down in history as one of the most efficient and effective Speakers we have ever had.  This is hardly what is being said about Speaker Boehner. Three bills have failed to pass; bills the Republicans had put up.  He seems not to check his facts and misstates.  The worst one recently being to announce that there have been 250,000 government jobs added under Obama.  The truth is, moving to keep up with the growth in our population and add appropriately as has always been done, there have only been 58,000 jobs; quite within usual, past .practice.

Ruth Marcus summarizes Boehner's recent remarks.  David Gregory asked him, on Meet the Press on 2/13/11, why he doesn't correct the many Republicans who still think that Obama is not a citizen nor a Christian...both false assumptions or beliefs.  His response was to say he is not responsible to correct how people think.  I find this difficult to understand, having heard his shouting at political audiences like a Gospel preacher discussing the fury of God.  To read this article in full from the Washington Post, click here.

When his own party is feeling let down with his leadership, one wonders when the fan will be hit.  One of the things he does, with gusto, is criticize Obama.  However, he offers little of himself other than biased, politicized opinions which he misrepresents as the will of 'the American people'.  I often wonder what he would do if he was really confronted with what the American people think, in fact.  Perhaps he is under the delusion that the Republicans and Tea Partiers represent the majority of the the 'American people'.

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