Thursday, February 3, 2011


When I heard that Egypt has been getting American aid, it seemed to me to be a large amount for our privilege of having a place to torture people without our own citizens being generally aware. 

Apparently our government has not been watching the money closely, either.  Today MSNBC talked about the corruption, bribes, doubling in cost of food, so many poverty stricken living on $2 a day, and many reasons why the money given may have been better spent for our homeless and poor at home if not for the many other needs in healthcare, infrastructure, education, and so many other domestic needs..

Why has it never been mentioned that foreign aid might be cut, along with the many useless subsidies we provide people for not growing or doing things.  There was a time, quite a few years ago, when our legislators were a bit more knowledgeable as our fiscal affairs were less complicated; when we had  more money to be altruistic towards our world neighbors and allies.  Those days are long gone.  It does not seem right that we should have to borrow money to to pay corrupted leaders elsewhere. .Supporting Wall St. CEOs should be altruistic enough!

Additionally, the people of Egypt have made it very clear they would like us to keep our noses out of their revolution.  I also believe we should and think that Obama and Clinton have handled themselves well, publicly, as far as I can see.  I for one would like to see some other subjects in the news as well.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

As pressure mounts to dramatically reduce spending, foreign aid cuts are getting quite a lot of attention. In fact, foreign aid is the most popular target for spending cuts, according to most polls. I also agree that all too often, aid that was supposed to help the poor ends up helping the corrupt leaders that have been causing poverty.

I also agree that Pres. Obama and Sec. of State Clinton should not interfere with Egyptian politics. But keep in mind that Iraq has had multi-party elections since 2005 and Afghanistan has had multi-party elections since 2004. Shouldn't we also stop interfering with Iraqi and Afghan politics as well, especially since we are in this deep deficit crunch?