Sunday, March 6, 2011


Charles and David Koch
Anonymous, the group of hackers who have set themselves up to make our world a better place by exposing some of the greatest cheats and liars is off on a new quest.  Stephen Webster has written an article about David and Charles Koch whom Anonymous believes they are attempting "to usurp American Democracy."   He writes:
"The decentralized protest group "Anonymous" has a new target: no, it's not a middle eastern dictator, a major bank or even a bit player in the military-industrial complex.
It's none other than tea party financiers Charles and David Koch, who were being targeted, an open letter.:"

 Reasons are not visible to the average American eye.  After all, the Koch brothers give away many dollars to wonderful causes.  However, they also give money to the political parties for their own specific needs.  When Scott Walker fell for the ruse that he had David Koch on the phone, he let a coupe of 'cats' out of the bag.  It was pretty clear how he looked up to David Koch and wanted him to know what a good agent he had been for him.  Hopefully this will be the end of Scott Walker's political career soon.

While the article is not a short one, I would suggest you take a look at it and pass your own judgments as to whether Anonymous is on a wild goose chase.  That has not been a usual for them.  They don't waste a lot of time and do a lot of homework before they make their play.  Stay tuned...the democracy may get saved after all, along with a middle class in America.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

Are you aware that during the 2010 election, the Koch brother gave at least $196,000 to the Democrats? See

Among the Democratic candidates they supported were Sen. Blanche Lincoln (AR), Sen. Ben Nelson (NE) Sen. Mary Landrieu (LA) and Rep. Marion Berry (AR).