Saturday, March 12, 2011


For the first time since the 'jocks and liars' of the Bush administration jumped into war with Iraq, I heard commentators quoting, I believe, Secretary Gates as saying we should not have gone into war with Iraq or Afghanistan.  The bill for those two wars to the American public is a Trillion Dollars!.And now the Republicans want to cut education???!!!

It is clear that the Republicans do not march to the Star Spangled Banner.  For all their religiosity, they do not believe in helping God to bless America, either.  Perhaps it is because 'their' America is the top 2% of the people in our population.  The rest of us feel differently and wonder where our country went.  The analogy that comes to mind is when you are faced with a parent about to murder you and are helpless to save yourself.

Once again, the 'jocks' want us to go to war with the rebels.  Obama has disappointed them as they feel his response is tepid.  However, he is supportive but, wisely when others are not level headed and go off on knee-jerk reactions, he listed the many ways we will and are supporting  the Libyan rebels today.  He asked Gaddafi to step down and froze his money assets in the US.  He will not make the mistake of risking another almost 6000 military deaths, the numbers lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Those who died and left widows and children can rest in peace knowing the Republicans will destroy their childrens' educational futures and job possibilities as payment for their sacrifice..


Frank J. Lhota said...

Granted, setting up a no-fly zone over Libya is a really, really bad idea. And I would have no trouble criticizing John McCain and Newt Gingrich's position on the issue. But once again, you're painting all republicans with a broad brush. A no-fly zone s also being promoted by Joe Lieberman and our own John Kerry. Moreover, the strongest condemnation of military involvement in Libya came from a republican; see

Yiayia said...

Frank, I agree with Ron Paul about the no-fly zone. I am against even considering it. However, I disagree that I paint all Republicans with a broad brush. I don't believe I use the term 'all Republicans' though they still seem to vote in lock step, or the most part. Perhaps they [paint themseves with a broad brush.