Saturday, March 19, 2011


For quite a while, I have been a fan of Ed Schultz on MSNBC.  However, my respect for him has slipped markedly.  He has been holding Obama to a promise that Obama couldn't really have understood how difficult it would be to hold to before he was in office and under the control of the Secret Service for security.  I am amazed at the naivete or stupidity that it represents when he repeatedly criticizes Obama for not marching at the protests with the people.  He clearly has no idea what the security would cost the American people even if Obama's security staff would have allowed it.  Nor does he consider how dangerous to the security of our country if something fatal happens to Obama at this time.

Schultz's coverage of the Wisconsin protests and actions of Governor Walker have, for the most part, been well-deserved criticisms and comments.  I believe that Ed Schultz really does fight hard for the middle class.  However, his  negative comments about Obama should at least be based on something more relevant to major issues and more carefully thought out on Schultz's part.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

My biggest complaint with Ed Schultz is his hypocrisy: he excoriates the right's use of hateful rhetoric and appeals to patriotism, then uses these very same techniques on his own show. See