Monday, May 23, 2011


As an atheist, I never argue religion but will discuss it rationally with anyone of faith who can do it without proselytizing.  Yesterday I went to a Congregational church vising family members out of state..  Having previously met the minister who knew I was an Atheist he recalled our talks,.many months past.

His sermon was titled "Our Response to God's Word". That title seemed to me unrelated to the talk. None of the way he talked suggested living required a belief in God or Jesus.   He spoke about not looking to place blame but to find your own responsibility if it was there or accept the power of Nature and random human error, as well as some of mankind acting without consideration to their fellow humans.

He preached putting away malice and accepting the differences in others and their beliefs.  It is clear that regardless of religious beliefs, we are similar if we follow the laws around us, behave honorably to our fellow humans and follow the Golden Rule.  Unfortunately, too many religions try to put the fear of God as a reason to behave well.  That offends me because I've had a good life and do not expect to be punished because I do not believe the CEO's of the business called organized religion.

Churches may serve many useful functions for many people, such as fellowship, confirmation of self and beliefs, opportunity to feel a stewardship to those in need, and other altruistic pursuits.  I do not believe those behaviors from people require faith or church attendance  to force themselves to believe when their logic forbids it.  .

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