Thursday, May 19, 2011


Isn't it amazing when there is a sexual scandal in a marriage, everyone has an opinion as to what the injured spouse should do.  I'm reminded of the Indian saying "Don't judge any man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins."

If you have been in a marriage where your spouse was adulterous, if you have had to divorce and be alone starting from scratch in every way... physically, materially, and emotionally you might have some valuable warnings to offer...provided they are requested from you..

If your family life has taken a turn for which you were totally unprepared, you may even ask for some advice.  However, if you have not asked (especially of media pundits and the general public) for advice, don't give it.  Learn to live in your own skin.  Most people who need help will find it in therapy, in their faith, within their extended family or friend network, or any number of other resources.  And if they don't ask there, maybe they wish (or even need)  to stay in denial or not take life-changing action.

Martin Bashir on MSNBC offered an interesting theory.  It is well assumed that Schwartzenegger had taken steroids when he was preparing to be Mr. Olympus or whatever title his physical development gave him.  It is further known that those who have taken steroids for a long time have a plethora of testosterone.  Therefore, they may become 'sexually addicted'.  That is not an excuse, simply one of the many possible explanations.   A Greek proverb:  "All receive advice. Only the wise profit from it"

One of the articles I read is that the maid allegedly got pregnant because A.S. and the maid were having unprotected sex.  She, presumably, was married at the time.  Might she have been less than honest?  Whatever the truth is, we may never know and, indeed, it is not our concern other than prurient curiosity to be satisfied.  We have become a country of boundary-less voyeurs.  We really ought to pay less attention to the lives of entertainers, sports figures and politicians and tend to our own lives.

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