Thursday, May 26, 2011


Our President has been doing a magnificent PR job on this tour where he receives far more courtesy and the respect he deserves from the Irish and English than he has gotten from his fellow Americans.

While he gave an inspired speech to The House of Lords today, it seems the US  media thought an insignificant and very minor protocol gaff would be more newsworthy and focused more on it than his brilliant speech.  This shows up how we Americans, those not in the top 1 %, have no  control of our country's media .  The BBC's version.     For the English speaking pages of Al Jazeera, click here.    Fox News asks the question whether we think Obama should quit the tour and come home in view of the tornadoes.  They choose to skip the importance of his mission and write about his 'visiting the Royals'..  EvenChris Matthews on MSNBC showed the gaff and did not mention the speech at Parliament.

Does the media think we are not interested in our President except to pick at his human errors?  For shame!

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