Friday, June 3, 2011


Goldman is already being investigated by the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Nevertheless, New York prosecutors have asked Goldman Sachs to explain its behavior in the run-up to the financial crisis, according to several news agencies.

Goldman Sachs is alleged to have made a great deal of money on  encouraging investors to buy mortgage-based products it knew would fail.  One might find that behavior quite unfriendly to the average buyer, would it not?  Initially, no one blinked twice that companies like AIG had been stupidly drawn and duped by the greed. at the top who didn't have to stay around to pick up the pieces when it all hit the fan.

It would be nice, and even show there is intelligence among the voters, if those who elect on little knowledge could follow more sources to get a richer perspective on who will really run the country. if elected. 

Perhaps these suits will shed some light on the incredible drain Wall St. firms have been on the economy of the US and its citizens.  The even throw their own under the bus, as Lehman Brothers. Research done on major CEOs of our country showed a plethora of sociopaths at the top.  This is no surprise to those of us who have seen CEO salaries skyrocket, shareholders shortchanged, and monies needed by the poor, ailing, unemployed and vulnerable, at the mercy of those involved with Wall St turn a deaf ear to the needs of those people for their own greedy gains.

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