Saturday, June 25, 2011


Keith Olbermann is back on TV.  I feel like I can have my cake and eat some of it, too.  I like Lawrence O'Donnell on on MSNBC at 8 PM weekdays.  His show is repeated at 11 PM but I like to watch Jon Stewart on the Comedy Channel at this time.  Keith Olbermann is on at 8 and 11 PM as is O'Donnell, So, it appeared, no matter how I choose I will have to miss one of them. 

However, I finally found that you can go to the MSNBC site itself and see a political show you may have missed.  This way I was able to hear an interview with Jim de Mint who believes that if any Republican allows a raise in taxes in any way, Republicans will be lost.  It makes clear the power of Grover Norquist.

Having to choose which political show to watch is like asking an ambidextrous person which hand he is willing to have cut off. However, watching them all, time consuming through it may be, leaves one with a more complete sense of what is going on.  What I have learned is that the producers of all the shows have finally done some coordinating so that one \no longer has to watch a rubber stamp of information repeated many times.   This, of course, means it is more painful to miss one of them.  I, for one, plan to watch more of Current Media TV.  Any channel wise enough to take Olbermann on is good in my book.

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