Saturday, July 30, 2011


Boehner's Bill is passed in the House 218 to 210.  Boehner's Republicans in their lack of political maturity pass a bill they know will not pass in the Senate and would be vetoed by the office of the President.  Read more.

The Republicans are planning to filibuster, the only vehicle that could break the stalemate.  McConnell is game playing to stall and.the result will be a disaster to the credit reputation of this country.  Remembering Osama bin Laden's promise to break the economy of the United States,   Whether he is behind it posthumously through followers or whether during the Bush years infiltrators to our Democracy functioning hi-jacked the power (while Bush wasted time trying to hear what God was telling him instead of paying attention to the country.).

Boehner is a perfect example of the politician who is analogous to the.actress who slept her way to a starring role.  She did not win an Oscar and lost money for the Producers, who 'got what they paid for'.  Someone should hand him the book: The Peter Principle.

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