Saturday, July 23, 2011


The TeaPartiers sold lies to the public and under false promises were elected as a 'quick fix' to a problem that has no possible quick fix.  No matter how many times it is said that the economy had a surplus when Clinton left office and GW Bush took his whole two terms to spend with his Republican buddies either from stupidity, being duped by more evil forces, or a reason that has never been mentioned and is not clearly visible to those of us out of government or not economists.

A large group of freshman TeaPartiers promised to work on job creation and the budget. Adopting a policy of 'my way or the highway' they have sworn to make Obama a one term president, raise no new taxes, ignore all warnings from Federal economists, and have only pushed their own disparate agendas, mostly on religious and bigoted issues.

Boehner, speaker of the house, walked out in a gesture as immature as that of his colleague Eric Kantor. For more details, click here.

Like giving a child a privilege, they can't give it up[ even when all indication shows it is bad for them. They do not see that they couldn't handle what they had and resent it being taken away, forgetting it was a trial plam not a permanent one.

How long will the public tolerate elected officials who walk out of negotiations as though it is not a critical part of their job to negotiate and compromise.  It is my contention that the Republicans simply voted against the Democrats and bloated their numbers by adding the TeaPartiers who came in falsely by hanging onto their coat an attempt to legitimize themselves to get on the ballot when in fact, they are pretty much independent even of one another.

Other than the TeaPartiers, at least those of us whose head is not in the sand,  hope that enough of the House Members will realize that removing tax breaks from the wealthy is not ADDING new taxes.  Gtover Norqujist seemed a little slimy over that explanation.


Frank J. Lhota said...

The reason this debate is so acrimonious is that neither side is willing to make the cuts needed to restore balance. The current proposed plans only make cuts to the projected spending increases. Neither the plan Obama put forth yesterday nor the "cut, cap and trade" plan that died in the senate would reduce spending from where it was last year. No wonder that so many Americans have abandoned both parties.

Yiayia said...

It seems we are in rare agreement.

Frank J. Lhota said...

If you liked that comment, you may like my latest post on the debt crisis: