Thursday, July 28, 2011


As I have watched Bachmann speak, her face is quite expressionless and her tone often a monotone.  After listening to her husband (a psychologist on prejudicial  steroids) speak, all I can picture are the Stepford Wives.

Her speeches, as they are repeated by the media over and over, sound so robotic.  I itch to remove her batteries or de-mesmerize her.  She says the same things, lies, and hypocrisies and contradictions over and over.

The very thought that she might be President of anything makes me shudder.  I shudder worse when I think there are others who think as she does.  Our world was a far better place when people were more challenging of the people they elected.

I reiterate what I have often said, "All candidates ought to be given a written test for their competency to serve as Legislators and especially as President.  Bachmann has verbally flunked the test in economics, Constitutional law, foreign policy, biology, and humanity.  Goddess help us!.

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