Sunday, July 10, 2011


You take a pill when you desire a certain physical outcome.  When you reach that goal, does it matter whether the pill caused the effect or a placebo?  People often get off track and miss the obvious.  Today, it would seem that politicians are the ones who most regularly fall into the trap of misreading what really works.  Too often it is because they cannot see beyond their own limited scope of goals, biases and prejudices. Being stuck on a particular notion is as dangerous as having faith when it is based on nothing substantial..

A few years ago, a friend of mine had colon cancer with the usual surgery following and the gift of a colostomy, apparently 'on loan' for a limited time.  A nurse acquaintance of hers was studying the curative effects of moving energy by simply sliding her hands in the air over the body of the patient.  I sat there disbelieving the supposed curative power,  Afterwards I asked my friend whom I had long since deemed influenced by suggestion whether she thought the 'treatment' had been helpful.  She took a moment and said, somewhat falteringly, that she thought it had helped some.  I restrained my negative comment and accepted that, if she thought she felt better from it, the goal had been reached.  Nothing would be gained by loading her with my to what made her 'improved'.

Too often there is resistance to accepting something works because they do not understand what made it happen.  There are those who passively recline and let God take care of them. If things go smoothly, God made it happen.  If they don't, the Devil interfered or God meant for something else to happen. To learn about testing for placebo effect in more detail, click here.

Most believe that the placebo effect is a cure in the mind.  This is quite likely.. After all we have seen people do amazing things with their bodies through sheer mind determination.  For more on this topic, click here. 

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