Friday, July 15, 2011


It was pointed out that when power controls everyone through fear, nothing happens nor is exposed even though most know what has been going on.  For several years now, many of us have been pleading to be heard that no one should own so much of the media as Rupert Murdoch was allowed to do.  It would have been bad enough had his news outlets really been fair and balanced and journalists with integrity.  However, they were  not and as their house of cards has been tumbling down in the UK, it may quickly start in the USA as well.  Since Murdoch is an American citizen, if he commits crimes even in another country he does not get a pass for go and cannot collect his $200.

Tonight the promise of  exposure of the group that has been behind making anti-labor, anti-union laws will be made public.  Can it be that those who thought their jobs were secure with the 'friends' who had the power are now finding out that they may not be secure at all.  Hang in there until more is outed about ALEC, currently exposed in the Nation.  It seems that ALEC was the backbone of the effort to hold Republicans to the backbone of their thinking.  ALEC was particularly fighting Healthcare.

Lastly today, I would be remiss if I did not point out the cyclical way society works.  In the early 70s, barefoot flower children ranted against 'the government' and 'the establishment' from which they wanted no part until their bare feet were cut on urban sidewalks by broken glass, etc.  To where did they run?  As you might recall or guess, they ran to public clinics and were furious if they were not served free and immediately.  Is this any different than South Dakota with all their Teapartiers?  Of course not!  With lots of dollars in their treasury, they are howling for Federal Aid for their floods, these who have been calling for smaller government in office since last year.  For flood news, click here.   Do you suppose South Dakota plans to pay the Coast Guard or do they want the rest of the country to pay them because the government should take care of them.

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