Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The tragedy of our education system is showing up more glaringly daily.  Anchors on news media have no sense of grammar, and those who type out messages and subtitles cannot spell properly with any consistency.  Today on MSNBC, misspelled words appeared again. Aggressive was spelled with one 'g'.  It didn't look right and when I checked it in a dictionary I realized the spelling error.  Do they not use a spell checker?  Everyone else does.  Occasionally the spell checker will not correct a word such as 'than' when what was meant was 'then'.  It can read spelling, not intent.

This afternoon, also on MSNBC, someone had a caption as being an 'economic' for VP Joe Biden. Unless I am mistaken  in thinking this an error, I assumed it should have been economist.  An amusing one though probably not from a misspell but from carelessness was a substitution of opera when clearly operation was meant.  

There is a wonderful site apparently devoted to catching these on TV  Click here for the site.

If your first language was not English, you might be forgiven.  We don't do well with foreign stuff either. We don't even do well with English these days.  I too often hear double negatives.  A famous Blues musician who died today wrote his autobiography titled "I Don't Owe the World Nothing'   I often hear "It's me!"  In fact it is so often said that most assume you are the one in error if you say, "It is I"  Most in their second decade of life "Let's me and you..."  or 'Me and him plan to...."  Oh well, I will go to my death remembering  practicing Palmer Method for hours and still write legibly.  There are rumors that cursive writing will not be taught much longer in school, going out to the same place to die as slide rules did.

Just think of how many spellings there are to spell Gaddafi.  There are 112 of them posted on this site. taken from Nation.  We are told it is because Arabic is so difficult to translate.  And to think, we lost 28 translators due to the 'Don't Ask; Don't Tell' era.  When will we stop hurting ourselves by giving into people's foolish, biased whims?

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