Friday, August 19, 2011


Amtrak refuses permission to a local church to put a banner up on a bridge advertising a church function.  It is gratifying to see someone, somewhere, able to respect property boundaries and the right to control what is yours.  It took a leash law in many communities to protect private residences from everyone's stray pets, many of whom were far bigger than the residents of the property on which they freely defecated..

 It seems that inanimate objects can lay claim to greater protection for their integrity than a woman's body is able to maintain in our society today.  Amtrak has control of the fence it owns.  However, in many states, a woman doesn't own her own impregnated body.  This rule is mostly acknowledged by people who want the government to get out of their lives...just one of the many hypocritical inconsistencies by our elected officials in Congress today who are full of conflicting edicts and goals for the rest of us.

McConnell and Bachmann , as well as others, claim to be working for the good of the people they represent though they say their primary goal is to make Obama a 'one-term' President.

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