Saturday, September 17, 2011


One never knows what will fall from the sky.  Aside from the classic plane that crashed into the crowd in Nevada, we were advised by NASA that a satellite is on its way down to crash into the earth.  The spokesman said the chances of being hit by the debris that will make it through the atmosphere is 1 in 3200. I have no idea where that math comes from with a world as big as ours but....   Does that comfort you?  I figure that since I never win anything because I don't buy lottery tickets, my odds are good as a target.for the satellite

Most of us who have ever watched the Blue Angels or car races have seen enough carnage to last more than a lifetime.  However, on the more positive side, every tragedy that has happened at a racetrack has resulted in safer passenger cars.  Space travel has resulted in many new products to make our lives safer and easier.

As of this writing, three people have been confirmed dead.  An eye witness description was that body parts were flying all over the place..

In 1973, when I was in the Athens Airport, 3 hand grenades were tossed into the crowd which my family and I had missed being a part of by only seconds as we had taken the escalator up to the first floor.  Similarly, we all tend to focus on those who lost their other words were dead.  It does not give one the picture of the wounded, many who lost sight, limbs, and internal organs.  In many ways, many of them lost their lives as well, though they continued to breathe.

The man who was flying the plane in Nevada was a 40 year veteran of flying that plane.  At first his age was given as 80-, later he was said to be in excellent health and 74.  The inference was that his age was the factor until it became clear that he had called a May Day and that it was most likely a mechanical failure that caused the accident and his death..  I wish news media would report what they know and stop speculating on camera..  It makes them look less bright that Michele Bachmann.

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