Monday, October 17, 2011


While the majority in the House of Representatives and the minority in the Senate have continued to deny the issues felt and expressed by the 99%, the emotions and issues expressed by them cannot be indefinitely denied.  For information on some more about the global spread, click here.

There is no surprise to hear the word 'revolution' spoken if you click here   Violence has been enacted on the protesters by the police but the protesters have continued to refrain from being violent.

It was reported that the police chief promised no protester would be arrested as long as they kept moving.  As usual, those mostly endangered on a job by budget cuts are the ones who have acted most violently towards their brethren..  It makes as much sense as poor people voting for Republicans today.  Obviously, the police who have been violent are a) improperly trained, 2)are  thinking their seniority will protect them, or 3) just cruel and sadistic; assuming their job definition will protect them regardless of how they treat people.

The list of grievances against corporate greed continues.  The movement is beginning to form.   Leaders are being recognized and are speaking out for those who are unable to do so.  That the movement has remained peaceful, despite the abuse many have received, should say something to which politicians should listen.  Frustration levels rise and go over the top, eventually, if those with power continue to ignore legitimate and valid requests for consideration of their grievances.

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