Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This morning I received a phone call and hung up when the call was over.   An hour later, my house phones were no longer working.  I looked through the useless mass of paper info from Comcast for a number to call for service and couldn't find anything other than the 1-800-Call Comcast.  My cell phone only for emergencies gives a mere 100 units a year, which has for years been more than adequate..  By the time I fired up my cell, which does not work too well in my house, I had discovered my Internet was also not working.  Since there was no other way to make a call, I got one of those robotic 'never-have-what-you-want' menus.  Meanwhile, tortured with the 'elevator' music' far too long, I heard every few seconds: 'Your call is important to us.  All our representatives are busy with other callers, please hold the line'...which I did for more than 15 minutes." 

Eventually a male voice answered with his rushed, canned greeting in a heavy Indian accent.
The phone connection sounded as though he was speaking from the bottom of the ocean in swirling water, I didn't catch a word of it. He repeated something so, assuming he was asking me what my problem was, I told him.   He had me check the modem, which required me standing on my head to find the reset 'button'. (which is actually in a hole within which is an invisible button pushed only by a very slim object) It reset.  Nothing positive happened.  Finally watching LEDs blink he said the modem wasn't working. 

As we were setting up a time for a service call, he suggested I disconnect the co-axial cable.  This required time to find pliers, stand on my head again, and another prolonged groan and effort with eventual success, now holding  a dangling cable.  Meanwhile he was busy setting up a service call for the next day. I told him I had finally managed to disconnect the cable.  He told me to wait five minutes then reconnect the cable. More than the five minutes elapsed As I had time to almost complete my breakfast and gain another two pounds.  Suddenly, lights stopped blinking and stayed on!  He had me hold for another minute, continuing to age rapidly while he canceled the service call.  Total telephone minutes, 35, proof that service from an Asian in Newfoundland can work well.   Can someone tell me why this service couldn't be done from the US even if the CEO of Comcast earns a million dollars less in bonus this year?  Think of how many American jobs it would save; money for the currently unemployed.and other services to starving families going to the government instead of into the pockets of the already fat cats.

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