Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm shocked that being put on administrative leave is a solution for the outrage of pepper spray on these young people at UC Davis, though the police chief was 'suspended..  To subject them to respiratory damage, damage to their immune systems and neurological difficulties is unconscionable.  Nothing is being mentioned about the training these police staffs need to have, will receive,  not how pepper spray should be removed as a tool available to them.

Pepper spray is not a benign deterrent. It has neurological consequences; no one is clear on the length symptoms remain after being a recipient. People into manipulating pictures have already started having fun with this subject.  The little girl running naked down the street in Viet Nam graphically demonstrates the torture to an already sensitive skin this substance can produce. 

In the last few years our country has become terribly insensitive to cruelty that is inflicted constantly both physically, emotionally, and by denying people those rights which have come to be a part of life in this USA and what used to be a democracy.

Pulitzer Prize Winning Science Writer, Deborah Blum, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, described pepper spray on the Rachel Maddow Show , MSNBC, 11/22.  She said it was above the Scoville Scale of 'heat' by its pure capsaicin composition.

While it may take a long time for cases to go through trial on this subject, Jonathan Turley  law professor,said on an interview that he is heading a case that has been in the courts for ten years already.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

Here is a video you might find of interest: