Friday, December 23, 2011


Picture of a one-term Speaker of the House
Boehner finally caved in , saying that they had to do the 'right'  thing for the people.  The Washington Post had an interesting view of the cave-in   Jonathan Capehart wrote::  "Boehner’s colossal cave comes after three days of being pummeled by Senate Republicans, President Obama and the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the latter being the equivalent of the Republican principal’s office."

We can't even blame Grover Norquist for the resistance, since it was resisting a tax cut for which they had previously been in favor, not a tax raise.:  Rachel Maddow described his handling of this crisis as a career killer.  Mitch McConnell, made it clear 30 minutes after Boehner said he would not cave-in, that he was on his own! Maddow made it imminently clear that he just was not good at his job with a lovely comparison to Nancy Pelosi
Capehart went on to say: "The American people are the winners in this latest bit of Washington craziness. But Boehner comes out the biggest loser. The man from Ohio has little to no control over his recalcitrant caucus. The inmates are running the asylum. If we didn’t appreciate it during the debt-ceiling crisis last August we most certainly do now.".

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

Here is an even better solution than either the democrats or the republicans have proposed: