Saturday, December 31, 2011


Alter-Net's Sarah Jaffe picked 10 Ultra-Rich Congress-people who are in financially poorly working districts.  Nine of these are Republican and Jay Rockefeller is the only Democrat.  The article will give you the names of more detail about these 10 self-serving political elected persons.

However, I really wanted this blog to be a question. It is beyond me as to what the purpose is of the media having made a tradition of asking pundits to predict the future.  They are no better at it than the Yankee Almanac was good at predicting the weather 40 years ago. Watching this annual charade makes me wonder at how wrong most of them will turn out to be when those who heard it will have forgotten what was said, even if they saw and heard it, several moths forward.  Being wrong does not seem to eliminate any of them from being om any of the political shows.

On 1/3/12, the Republicans will start working towards picking a candidate. Rick Santorum is the only candidate who has not, at some point, reached the top of the Iowa poll.  Each of the other candidates has had their being crowned King/Queen for a day (and in some cases, several days).

They should all take the position Groucho Marx did when he  was told he had been accepted as a member of the Friar's Club.  He immediately sent a resignation letter as follows:  "Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member."  Wouldn't it be better for our country if some of the incompetent candidates said the same thing?

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

The Sarah Jaffe piece assumes that a wealthy politician cannot properly represent a poor district. But history provides many examples where this assumption is flat out wrong. Richard Nixon came from a lower middle class family; John F. Kennedy's family was fabulously wealthy. Which man was the better president?

Now on to your question: Of course, it would be better if some of the more marginal candidates such as Newt Gingrich and Michele Backmann dropped out. But we all have differing standards as to what constitutes incompetence. IMO the 2008 bank bailouts were one of the worst political decision in decades. I also feel that the NDAA could turn out to be a worse violation of our civil liberties than the PATRIOT act. Now if we eliminate the candidates that supported one or both of these measures, we quickly reduce the field to only one competent candidate: Ron Paul.