Monday, December 5, 2011


The childish Republicans are citing the promises that Obama made during his campaign.  They forget to mention that they also are voting 'no' to anything he proposes as they make clear they want him to be a one-term president rather than try to make the unemployed, disabled, foreclosed on, hungry and broke people live more improved existences.

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, speaks Republicanese, little truth, all problems started when Obama was elected, and we must all vote for a Republican to take the government back.The man was safe from me as long as hje was on TV and I cannot give the evil eye as my European ancestors believed they could.  He called Obama 'the Great Divider'!  So much for any pretense of bipartisanship.  The man was also living proof that you can make the statistics mean whatever you wish them to mean.

You can hear him as he gave the same talk to CBS News.  The man sounds like he truly believes (at least he can say it with a straight face) that the Republican candidates are strong choices!  He believe Obama would have been fired if he was in a corporation.  If he were evaluated for truth Reince should probably be fired, but he won't.  He wants someone real and authentic back in the White House.  I wonder which one of that bunch of current Republican candidates he thinks would qualify for that label.  Now I can see why so much money gets lost in gambling.  He is certainly backing the wrong stable.

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