Monday, January 2, 2012


Football has its pundits as does politics.  However, you don't have to wait long to find out about football results and the interest is overtly based on winning bets and earning money on the play.  (The operative word here is overtly).  Political battles end up somewhat similarly (big money dropped in a gamble) but it never looks the same, does it?

We will all have to wait until the fat lady finally sings and we have a President for another four years, with Representatives and Senators for whatever length their term offers.  We can only hope that we don't have to start all over again by voting away the last four years.  It is nerve- racking to hear the Republican candidates all promising to undo everything good that Obama has achieved in the last four years.  The only thing they can't do is bring Osama bin Laden back to life . 

People criticize that Obama has not done everything he had promised, taking nothing about the obstructive House and Senate whose stated main goal is to make him a one-term President at the expense of the middle and poor class and all the unemployed, malnourished, homeless people they continue to hurt.  Even more startling are the people who can't see what is keeping them falling non-stop in the terrible place they are in...they will vote some of the same perpetrators of their misery back into office.

Oh, well, as they lead us into temptation they do not deliver us from evil!  2012, please save us.

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