Friday, January 6, 2012


Rick Santorum
Every once in a while someone like Rick Santorum comes to our attention because people believe that this person is right because of his religious beliefs.  For those of us to whom no God has spoken directly, it should not come as a surprise that we believe we must be in control of our own lives and in the maxim:  "God helps those who help themselves."

Apparently, after losing a 20 week old male fetus, (I presume by natural causes) he has turned zealously against anyone having an abortion. An article on Santorum by Sheryl Gay Stolberg (click here) discusses his religious reasons for the political positions he takes.  Having lived through the Joe McCarthy era of anti-communism furor and seen the devastation of so many lives because of his fanaticism, I does not make me rush to support Santorum.  He would do away with contraception and abortion, he promises.  This from a man in a party that claims that government is too involved in our lives. 

I consider reproduction a pretty personal choice and also believe that orgasm as a stress reliever because it delivers endorphin kick ( shot from your natural body opiate) and should pose no problem in consensual sex.  While Santorum believes in marriage, there are not even compatible partners in our society  to balance the sexes.  Therefore people not wishing to have children or an incompatible marital relationship generally find that there are others of the opposite gender who feel similarly, thus the term 'friends with benefits' has been part of our vocabulary for some time.

Santorum would violate the Constitution by forcing his religious beliefs on all of those of use who are not of his religion and beliefs. If he chooses to follow the dictates of celibate men on the subject, that sex is not only for procreation, Nature wouldn't have it feel so good regardless of the intent.  A man who believes that his values should be those of everyone is a danger to our Democracy.  I sincerely hope he cannot convince a majority to deviate from our Constitution.

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