Thursday, February 16, 2012


It is not difficult to understand the Catholic Bishops and their stand on contraception.  After all, they are celibate (or, at least a few of them are if they are not gay or pedophiles).  It offends me that their 'words from God' were written almost 2000 years ago. That they stick to the rules set that long ago that touch social, medical and personal issues denies that any progress has been made by man in those thousands of years.  Once there was a time when the more children you had, the more chance of help in your old age.  The world has changed but the only changes I have seen from the Catholic church is that when people stopped going to church because they couldn't understand what was being said, services began to be translated to the language of the country in which they were being delivered.

The very fact that they had the power to make it possible for people to eat meat on Friday suggests that there is room for the church to make some changes to accommodate for man's more functional brain, technology, medical advancements, and much else that happened in those hundreds of years.  What can the Bishops be thinking to assume that people should fight Nature and be celibate or end up with more children than they can support as well as fill the world with more children than it can feed, house, educate and assure medical care.

The 'Catholic Church' has decided what changes it will accept.  It does not seem to accept evolution, but it somehow accepts the world is no longer flat.  Believing nothing which science has told us of the brain, they continue to believe that somehow the soul (which of course can never be researched) has a more influential role in a person's character, life experience and description.  When man knew not what was in the sky, they placed Heaven there.  That leaves us dependent on the beliefs of 2000 years ago with minor exceptions that suited the church hierarchy.  With all the money at the Vatican, it pains me to think that my taxes must pay for 70% of the funds spent by Catholic Charities, a church organization that totally violates my religious beliefs about family planning and contraception.  When will the Church doctrine take  its place in history where it belongs, not in today's world?  It should be viewed along with the Gods of the Greeks, invented in myth to try to explain all that man of the time did not understand...

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