Friday, February 3, 2012


Rep. Cliff Stearns pulled a cute trick by saying that he wants to look into how Planned Parenthood has spent their funds.  Even though they asked for years of documents, finding nothing, they will not fund.  An ideological, political motive is believed to be behind the move though the Pro-Life people say they have lobbied the Susan Komen Foundation for years to stop funding Planned Parenthood because they do abortions as well (though only 3% of their services and no government funds are used for these)

Shari Roan with the Los Angeles Times was interviewed by Judy Woodruff.  You can listen to an mp3 here.   The zealots who call them selves Pro-Life but are really not that  at all, only anti-abortion since the quality of life of any being other than a tiny bit of protoplasm in fetal life is their real concern.  To achieve it they care nothing about the lives of women who may be snuffed out because of their moves.  How hypocritical is that about being pro-life?

Note:  Due to another Comcast failure to connect, this is almost 10 hours late in appearing.  

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