Saturday, February 18, 2012


An article by Adele M Stan points out how little Catholic parishioners understand what the Bishops hierarchy does with their donations.  Most assume it goes to charity but the reality is that more government money (the tax dollars from Atheist to all religions) supports a greater majority of them.  She writes:  " Many of the Catholics that Holden spoke to for his report expressed dismay that the church is spending its political capital and parishioners' money to fight for antiquated and discriminatory notions of sexual morality rather than to defeat the death penalty or advocate for immigrants. At a recent meeting of progressive and liberal religious types I attended in Washington, DC, I heard the same complaint from the Catholics in the room."  For the article in its entirety, click here.

Written by Dominic Holden in the Stranger  he says:  "The American Catholic hierarchy is escalating a campaign against 
gay marriage—and progressive Catholic churchgoers are angry. 
Angry enough to leave. Angry enough to organize. Angry enough to stop tithing. How much money from that donation platter is going into the fight against gays and lesbians, anyway?"

When a religious institution works tirelessly to make laws that control the lives of all others, not of that religion, it shows its own weakness.  If its doctrines were relevant to 2012, they would no longer have to try to play political games with everyone's life. The current whining about contraception and gay marriage makes it very clear, the church is trying to cross the barrier of separation of church and state.  The brainwashed media, such as Chris Mathews, should recuse themselves from commenting their own opinions on these subjects and just report news.  For a business (which I consider all churches to be) to fill itself with pedophiles and then presume to tell the rest of us how to live our lives; which ignores current scientific research; which ignores the benefits of sex and the calming effects of the endorphins produced which can calm down elevated cortisol (the stress hormone) levels;

Working on a 2000 year old myth that God planned sex only for procreation, today's world knows the benefits to the human experience in terms of promoting health and calmness of mood from experiencing the endorphin rush that orgasm brings on.  If this was a sin, then there would be no 'nocturnal emissions' or 'wet dreams' experienced in sleep by both genders.  Nature has always known what is better for man (and woman) than celibate misogynists.

If the Teapartiers really want a less intrusive government, then get out of our bodies (I'm speaking to you in Virginia, especially) and sex lives.. Leave our health to physicians and ourselves, the governments should only see to providing insurance coverage to make a healthy population more possible.

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