Monday, February 27, 2012


This will be a short blog.   The whole evening was wasted, yes that is not a typo.  Billy Crystal is the best part to me but he just isn't enough of the show.  All the beautiful (though not necessarily physically so), are chosen for their talents.  It may not be considered kind of me to say that watching sometimes tearful people (I might also be brought to tears with the honor of the win) thanking everyone whom I don't know, don't care to know, and am just happy they do their job well.

It always feels as though I am looking in some one's keyhole. I don't feel a non-part of it all.  It is as exciting as a psychotherapist of he year award might be.  There is so much packed in when only little, short clips of things are played so fast and tun into one another that I have no idea what (or whom) I am watching with the greatest question always being, why?

Others talk about watching the Oscars to see the clothes they wear, or almost wear as the case is often .  Some of the historical stuff is interesting.  The movies, foreign in writing, acting, and outsourcing is a reflection of the rest of America these days.  Who are we, really?

To those who watched and enjoyed, I envy you.  To those of you who didn't watch because you chose not to, I applaud you.  To those of you who watched because everyone else would be talking about it and you didn't want to miss being a part of it, I pity you.  Usually I have seen at least one of the movies nominated.  This year I had the distinction of not having watched any of them.  My rule is to be happy and only watch movies in which I can smile through it all.  This was not a banner movie years for me but I look forward to seeing the next Pixar and Miyazaki productions.

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