Monday, March 12, 2012


Pope Benedict is warning against gay marriages.  :The Pope warned of "powerful political and cultural currents seeking to alter the legal definition of marriage.". Further in the article on BBC News, was written:  "Timothy Dolan, the New York archbishop who was recently made a cardinal by the Pope, was prominent in that campaign and spoke out during 2011 against the spread of same-sex marriage laws. In September 2011, shortly after New York passed legislation, he wrote to President Obama criticising a decision not to support a federal ban on same-sex marriage. In the letter, the then-Archbishop Dolan said the White House's policy could "precipitate a national conflict between Church and state of enormous proportions"."

I find the Catholic church's attempt to change the understanding of our United States Constitution particularly offensive.  The church may speak to its followers but it may not, a s a tax-free, religious organization, interfere with the running of our country and our laws.  I resent the lack of respect to those of us who are not of Catholic faith and the lack of respect to our President for allowing new laws for the majority of voters who have asked for and supported the changes. Years ago, we had a Catholic priest, Father Drinan. as a Senator.  Wikipedia writes on Father Drinan: "Throughout Drinan's political career, his consistent support of abortion rights drew significant opposition from Church leaders, who had also repeatedly requested that he not hold political office in the first place.[2][4] Drinan attempted to reconcile his position with official Church doctrine by stating that while he was personally opposed to abortion, considering it "virtual infanticide,"[5] its legality was a separate issue from its morality. This argument failed to satisfy his critics. According to the Wall Street Journal, Drinan played a key role in the pro-choice platform becoming a common stance with politicians in the Kennedy family.[6In 1980, Pope John Paul II unequivocally demanded that all priests withdraw from electoral politics. Drinan complied and did not seek reelection.[2] "'It is just unthinkable,' he said of the idea of renouncing the priesthood to stay in office. 'I am proud and honored to be a priest and a Jesuit. As a person of faith I must believe that there is work for me to do which somehow will be more important than the work I am required to leave.'"[7]"

That Drinan was pulled out of the Senate while  Drinan was faithfully following the Constitution, made clear his church did not want him to do follow the oath of office he had taken.  We have a man running for president of the US, former Senator Santorum, who publicly states that he does not believe in separation of church and state,   It puzzles me whether this means that everyone who is voting for him agrees in violating the constitution (though they claim to be wanting stricter adherence to it and want government intruding less in our personal lives though some vote for intruding into women's wombs against medical necessity and without women's permission.)  Beware.  Whom you vote for may make your life a lot worse than you can imagine.

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