Thursday, March 22, 2012


Happily, as Jeb Bush endorsed Mitt Romney today, we all got ready to hear him on the roster as VP candidate. Oddly, immediately after, Jeb Bush was on the film taken when he was praising the new law that allows those with guns to take control of their own safety.  I wonder if Gov Bush realizes that he (with this little bit of historic film), sets himself up as a very stupid person by giving out to the public that he would go along with the bill because the NRA were great supporters of his brother's candidacy for president.

Trayvon Martin

Jeb Bush can be credited as being one of many who set up conditions for Trayvon Martin to be massacred in a way that would have been legal had not too many people heard about the farce being perpetrated by the police in Florida covered by the law Jeb Bush happily signed and patted himself on the back for doing so..

One question that can easily be answered with some testing is who screamed for help that night.  It is easy for those who record musicians and for forensic specialists to figure out from the voice patterns just who that person was who called for help.  I believe I would be pretty clear it was the boy without the gun who called for help because Mr. Zimmerman was never in critical danger.

NRA can make lots of things go away but they will not be able to make this crime go away.  While I am not fond of the social media personally, I am grateful for Twitter and FaceBook because the average person need not remain in the dark any longer. People can now speak and even be heard before the distance their voice travels from the soapbox on the Common.

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