Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Virginia Foxx, Republican congresswoman from North Carolina today proved just how bad and out of touch of representatives are.  Referring to student loans she said something about young people sitting on their butts, was expecting opportunity  to be handed to them on a platter.   Her memory, judged by her picture as she is 69 years old, has not kept up to the ridiculously high rates for tuition in today's world. When she was of college age, tuition were about $1500 a year.  Click here for a PBS presentation on the rise of tuitions in the USA..

She is also the woman, according to Wikipedia, who in April 2009, expressed opposition to the Matthew Shepard Act, claiming that the murder of Matthew Shepard was not a hate crime. While debating the act at the House of Representatives, which was attended by Matthew Shepard's mother, she called the incident a "very unfortunate incident" but also "we know that that young man was killed in the commitment of a robbery. It wasn't because he was gay."Is it any wonder with thinks and representatives of truth and the needs of our citizens, we get this ridiculous response despite all the facts made clear by the courts at the time.

The degree to which our Representatives and Senators are out of touch with the people of this country is frightening.  It is clear they no longer represent a democracy but simply themselves. I, for one, will rest easier if the elections in November were over and Obama assured to be in for another four years.  Additionally, I would like to see both legislative house balanced more fairly.  As always, what I wish as what unfairly happens by those who follow no Federal rules nor show honesty and integrity have an equal chance of winning.

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