Monday, April 16, 2012


While our weather forecasters are greatly improved with new technology in the past few years, better able to predict, people have not yet found a way to protect houses and property, let alone lives. Weather conditions like tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, or so many conditions in parts of the world take many lives, as well as lives of many who do not die.  It seems that no country or continent is immune to some sort of occasional devastation.  The other day I wrote about headlines that talk about how many people were killed but leave one with a single pixel of the whole picture.
Once in a while they will report someone taken to the hospital in critical condition.  The camera scans the material devastation but nothing the media can do covers the human losses for what people have worked their whole lives to help them look forward to the rest of their life in a bit more comfort.  One's past is one's memories.  If our brain can't always provide them clearly, we have taken to photos and videos, and sometimes recorded sound.  When all those images, visual or audio are lost a part of us goes with them.. All the souvenirs and mementos, special gifts from special people,  and the lists of things that makes a whole person goes on and on.  The things that connect people and families are also tied up in what people are left to mourn.

To get a picture of the destruction that happened this weekend in the middle of our country, click here.   Watch the video.  Missing one of these is better than winning megabucks, is it not?

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