Sunday, April 1, 2012


As a child, I only accepted reasons that made sense to me.  Ergo I asked lots of question and never responded to, "N!"  I: "Why not?"  "Because I told you so."That reasoning didn't work from a parent so it certainly was not going to work in a church from a stranger .A very nice Jehovah's Witness lady with whom I have developed a relationship in which she tried to convince me of her God while I became more entrenched in my own lack of acceptance.

I've always wanted to listen to people to understand what they believed in and why.  I learn a lot that way when there are facts involved, sources, and information builds on all the things to date I have learned on the subject to which this conversation adds.  I did not find it possible to interact with my Jehovah's Witness friend in a dialogue that didn't end with, "You have to have faith."

The religious right that claims this as their country forgets that it was founded by people who were escaping a country where they were not free to practice their religious beliefs.  While there no many religions in colonial America, the constitution clearly advises freedom  to worship and a separation of church and state. It, therefore, saddens me that a country that professes so many free4doms seems it would not accept an Atheist as a president.  People should be judged by the life they lead, their achievements, family, integrity, patriotism, loyalty, honesty, and all those good things rather than the church they attend or profess to belong to in thinking.  We should not have to feel inferior in this country for being honest about what our beliefs are, yet Atheists are somehow seen as dangerous and not to be trusted.

Atheism is more and more accepted throughout the world but, only in America, are our citizens being asked to roll back the calender and adopt beliefs long since disproved, evolution being the first example that comes to mind.  My motto is certainly not "In God We Trust' as I find that one must not rely on God to save us from our own errors or poor choices.  People must be responsible for their own actions.  If there is a God, at no time was avoiding healthy nutrition for days on end to please God a logical act in my mind.

Whether you are a 'believer' or not,you might find the author worth reading.  Click here for Greta Christina's 10 reasons for not believing in God.

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