Saturday, April 21, 2012


It seems that more rugs and stones keep being turned over and what is under them spells totally destruction to the America as we once knew it.  Even some staunch Republicans do not relate the the conservatives running the party.  Many Republicans cannot in good conscience really trust Romney since he has changed his positions with every audience to whom he is speaking.

Lobbyists, Grover Norquist, the Koch brothers, ALEC, and so many more cancers in our society and politics have almost succeeded in taking over the country.  They are, in truth, worse enemies than bin Laden ever thought of being because they have reduced the 99% of our population to degradation and struggle to survive.l.  Our schools are not able to teach what is needed for an adequately prepared work force for the future, cuts are being made to the budget because of Republican refusal to allow the government to take in proper funds,  lack of medical for all who need it is killing too many people off, and there is just too much misery in a country that had used hard work, creativity, and hope for the future in the past.

While we should have been fighting for our future, we were too busy fighting wars and rebuilding other countries to take care of our own.  99% of us have become the shoemaker's children. However, since we are beginning to look and act like the French before their revolution, and because we live in a telecommunicating age, many people now have access to truths previously hidden. Average people are rising up against puppets like Scott Walker, still signing vile bills against women and the medical system.

Dare we hope that the light at the end of the tunnel; will be powered by the voting booths in November?

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

The serious problems that our schools face are not caused by low spending. In inflation-adjusted dollars, per-pupil spending in the U.S. has nearly tripled since 1970. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports that, with the exception of Switzerland, the U.S. spends more per pupil than any other country. See

The real problem with American public education is that it is a monopoly. We are one of the few countries where the public school systems customarily offer parents no choice as to which school to send their children. Many countries offer parents a choice of schools, and the funding follows the student. This introduces competition into the system, and provides an incentive for schools to improve. What schools really need is more choice.